Create the stories of your life
Let your photos tell the stories of your life with Lumia Storyteller.
To download the Lumia Storyteller app or check that you have the latest version, go to
www.windowsphone.com. Lumia Storyteller may not be available for all phone models.
Your phone needs access to your location info. To allow it, on the start screen, swipe down
from the top of the screen, tap ALL SETTINGS > location, and switch Location services to
1. Tap Lumia Storyteller.
The photos you have taken are automatically collected together as stories. You must have
taken at least 7 photos around the same time and in one place for the app to form a story.
2. To create a story yourself, tap , select the photos, and tap .
3. To rename the story, tap the collection and the title, and write a new name.
4. To view a photo in the story, tap the collection and the photo. To browse the other photos,
swipe left or right.
Tip: You can add captions to the photos in the story. Tap a photo and add caption. To
view a caption, tap the photo.
Locate your photo on a map
To see on a map where a photo was taken, place 2 fingers on the photo, and slide them