Add or delete a contact
Keep your friends with you. Save their phone numbers, addresses, and other info to the People
Tap People, and swipe to contacts.
Add a contact
1. Tap .
2. If you're signed in to several accounts, select the account to which you want to save the
You cannot save a contact to your phone only, it’s always saved to an account.
3. Add the contact details, and tap .
Tip: Your contacts are backed up automatically to your Microsoft account.
Edit a contact
Tap the contact and , and edit or add details, such as a ringtone or a web address.
Tip: If you have a dual SIM phone, you can select the SIM that’s used to call each contact.
Tap the contact and
. Dual SIM is not supported by all phones. For availability, go
to www.microsoft.com/mobile/support/wpfeatures.
Delete a contact
Tap the contact and
> delete.
The contact is deleted both from your phone and, with some exceptions such as Facebook,
Twitter, and LinkedIn, from the social networking service where it's stored.
Tip: If you want to delete multiple contacts quickly, on your computer, log in to
people.live.com with your Microsoft account, and delete them there.
Filter your contacts list
If you don't want contacts from social networking services to show up in your contacts list,
you can filter them out. In the contacts list, tap
> settings > filter contacts list and the
accounts you want to show or hide.
© 2015 Microsoft Mobile. All rights reserved.

Tip: You can also filter out the contacts without phone numbers. Switch Hide contacts
without phone numbers to On